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Warmly welcome the research group of the Department of Equipment of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology to visit our company

number of visits:800Release date:2023-02-08 02:54

On July 23, 2022, Tang Jun, director of the Department of Equipment of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and Han Xing, researcher, accompanied by Zhu Hongbo, second inspector and Wu Changhai, deputy director of Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Economic and Information Technology, visited Ningbo China Machine Testing Company for research. The research group listened to the report on the progress of recent research in the field of reliability evaluation and fatigue resistance of basic mechanical parts, and understood in detail the development history and future planning of the company's service to Ningbo fastener industry. Director Tang Jun pointed out that the basic parts industry is the cornerstone of the development of the equipment manufacturing industry, he encouraged the company to plough deep into the industry, further strengthen the mission to take charge, continue to increase innovation and research and development investment and public service platform construction, to maintain the leading level of technology industry.
Ningbo Zhenhai District Economic and Information Bureau Lu Zhong, Chief Economist, Ningbo China Machine Testing Company related personnel to participate in the exchange.